First LTT 24-28 June 2019, Graz/AUSTRIA

The KA2 project “ALLready” coordinated by Bursa Provincial National Education had project’s first training on 24th-28th of June with partners coming from Turkey, Latvia, Portugal and Poland in Graz ,Austria .

On the first day of the training ; PHSt University introduced its organisation.Some works and regulations about school orientation and transition were presented by each partner countries of the project.

In the second day of the training ; the participants visited kindergarten and primary school. Professor Petros Pashiardis gave a lecture about “Pedagogical Leadership and Classroom Organisation “.At the end of the day, reflections on school visits and lecture were shared with all participants.

In the third day ; two pilot primary schools of PHSt University were visited , the classes and the materials used in the classes were examined. Zollneritsch provided a lecture on “schooling concerns”.

In the fourth day ; the project outputs were brought to the final versions and the mixed groups presented them.The checklist of teachers’ needed to be applied on first day and week of school new period were worked.

On the fifth day, the second training of the project, Lisboa training, was planned and Graz training was evaluated. The certificate ceremony was completed successfully.

Participants left Graz training with new achievements and good memories.

24-28 June 2019 First LTT, Graz/AUSTRIA