BTSO Sait Ete Primary School – Bursa, TURKEY – Partner Organisation
Esra Kayışlı –
Our school is located in a educational campus which is in Osmangazi , BURSA. Our students are aged between 6-11. There are 688 students 24 primary school teachers , 2 English teachers , 1 Counsellor , 1 Head Master and 2 Assistant Head Masters. As for the structure of the building it is formed of 1 building with 4 floors in which there are 24 classes , 1 Game and Activity Class, 1 English Class , 1 Chess Class , 1 Class for the Counsellor , 1 Class for the students whit special needs and 1 Infirmary. There are 4 students and 2 teachers in our class for the students with the special needs.
Due to its being within the borders of the educational campus the security of the school is maintained by the Directorate of the Campus. There is a range of the schools in the campus from the Kindergarden to High School ; from Special Education Facilities to Science and Art Center. There is a Sport Center , Canteen and a Dining Hall which is in commen use and this is one of the reasons why our school is preferred by many people from different areas.
Most of our students come to school by service buses. After school we have extra Folk Dances , Chess , Drama and the Mind Games courses for voluntary students.