Associação Portuguesa de Educação Musical (APEM) – Lisboa, PORTUGAL – Partner Organisation

Carlos Gomes –

The Portuguese Association for Music Education (APEM) is a cultural and professional association, non-profit, with status of public utility declared by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. APEM objective is the development and improvement of musical education, both as an integral part of human formation and social life, and as an essential component in specialized musical training. It’s main purposes are to contribute to the professional improvement of educators; to study the national problems of music education, through research and practical action, in order to collaborate in the on going reforms aimed at raising the level of education and its progressive decentralization; to stimulate the coordination of the various sectors of activity with an impact on musical education; to foster the exchange and dissemination of pedagogical experiences among personalities and institutions interested in music education; to disseminate knowledge of new principles and techniques of music education and, to this end, promote contacts at an international level.

APEM was created in 1972 and has 550 associates, music teachers, both in music schools and in general education schools, and is an ISME (International Society for Music Education – UNESCO) affiliate. Since 2009 APEM has a Training Centre, accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of the Minho University that organizes continuous training, making teachers’ career progression possible.The updating of knowledge, the professional appreciation of Music Education and Music teachers, the appreciation of the Education and Music Education of children and young people, have been the constant and permanent APEM themes, action and training plans.

APEM has established a collaboration protocol with the Ministry of Education (ME) and with the General Directorate of Education (DGE) for the elaboration of opinions on music education and other aspects of education reforms in Portugal.Since 2006, APEM has two teachers working full time in the Board and, since 2016, another teacher in the northern region, also working full time.

With the creation of the Cantar Mais Project, APEM had the ME support and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation funding, since the project was considered an importante resource for schools and also a tool for training teachers with insufficient music skills.